Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas To All

A few weeks ago, when Thanksgiving Day rolled around, I cited my basic awareness that on major holidays, individuals and families often opt to abandon many of their typical leisure pursuits, such as TV viewing, reading, hobbies, crafts, etc, in favor of family/group-based endeavors. Gathering kith and kin for large meals, arranging family outings to see the latest movie releases, and reviewing and assessing newly enhanced toy and/or gadget collections (for kids of all ages), are activity types that will dominate schedules on Christmas Day, and in many cases, for several days to follow.

To wit, awareness is a beautiful thing. I can foresee no great hue and cry for a Day-after- Christmas blog.” In my pre-Thanksgiving Day post, I revealed the Top 10 Things about which I was thankful. Not to worry, I will not bore you to tears by enumerating a similar list of my Christmas gifts. Rather, in penning this final 2007 offering, I encourage you to reflect upon and contemplate, not mine, but your own gifts.

Not the presents someone gave you, of even those you gave to others. No, I’m speaking of those things that you truly value most. And do not worry; this is not a treatise on the de-commercialization of Christmas. In fact it is not a treatise of any sort.

Quite simply, I am asking you to devote a few moments to thinking about the sources of your happiness, and contentment. Chances are, if you made a list comprised of 5 or 10 items, family, would appear in a prominent place on your list. More than likely, at least one friend would make the list. Perhaps having a sense of safety and security…is on your list.

All or none of these items may be on your list. The point is, while we may seldom think of them in this specific context, for most of us there are key drivers to our satisfaction in general, and more pointedly, to our happiness and contentment. Typically, they are not found at Belk’s, Wal-Mart, Nordstrom, or even Neiman-Marcus. They are often not bought at all, or simply are not for sale, regardless of price.

Frequently they are people, accomplishments, and/or memories. They are things you would be reluctant to place a price on, even if you could. We all have them; what are yours?

The items that appear on our list, be they few or many, are things that define us. They tell who and what is important to us, and just as often, to whom we are important. If you like your list of gifts, regardless of the presents you received, or did not receive for that matter, you are apt to have had a very Merry Christmas.

I am done; holla back!

Read my blog anytime by clicking the link: http://thesphinxofcharlotte.blogspot.com/ , or by Googling thesphinxofcharlotte. A new post is published each Wednesday.













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