Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Mark Robinson is No Donald Trump: Just Stating the Obvious

It's time to Break It Down!


Mark Robinson, the ever controversial, recently embattled GOP candidate for North Carolina Governor is quickly discovering what many politicians, especially Republicans who’ve endeavored to mimic Trump’s obnoxious, reckless, devil-may-care attitude and behavior. To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen’s soberingly soul-snatching put down of Dan Quayle, Lt. Governor, you’re no Donald Trump. 


Trump, who fervently endorsed, and repeatedly boosted Robinson’s candidacy, has appeared to cool on the Maverick from Greensboro, since a CNN story last Thursday linked Robinson to a pornography website, where among other things, he allegedly characterized himself as a Black Nazi, expressed support for slavery…even indicating he would like to own a few himself, and made an array of lewd and sexually explicit remarks. For his part, Robinson has vehemently denied the report, calling it false lies, and salacious tabloid trash. He added, “You’d better understand I am coming after CNN full throttle.” 


Since then, Trump visited North Carolina but declined to include Robinson in his coterie of influential state pols. In fact, at least 10 Republicans and conservative groups have either canceled events with Mr. Robinson, rescinded endorsements, and/or erased their digital footprints to distance themselves from their fellow GOP candidate in the upcoming General Election in just under 6 weeks. It’s fair to say, Mark Robinson is officially politically toxic.


Prior to last week’s explosive revelations, Robinson was already a controversial figure, well-known for making sexist, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic and otherwise vile comments. And, for quite some time, he appeared to float above the chaos that would seem destined to result from such bellicosity. Not unlike a certain other public figure whom in the view of some, Robinson may have crafted his public political persona.


America writ large, if not the world, is well aware that for nearly a decade, Trump has flouted virtually every known political protocol, and more often than not, still managed to thrive. Liable for sexual assault and an $83 million settlement, no problem. Convicted of 34 felonies, no problem. A classified documents case, no problem. Election racketeering, no problem. Election obstruction, no problem. Trump University $25 million settlement, no problem. Civil fraud case, $354.9 million settlement, no problem. Assert that he could shoot people on 5th Avenue, and not lose any votes, no problem. Propose a Muslim ban, no problem. Commentary ignited an insurrection at the Capitol, no problem.


It would take many more items to complete a Greatest Hits Summary for either of these men. But hopefully, you get the point. Robinson, who pointedly refused to abandon his Gubernatorial bid, has been jettisoned from the GOP Inner Circle. White there is still a chance he might secure the Governor’s Office if Trump wins North Carolina, it was already substantially less than a sure bet, and now looks flat out unlikely. Conversely, Donald Trump is in the thick of the race to return to the Presidency, in a contest that 6 weeks out, appears too close to call. He leads in most of the Sunbelt swing states, though within the margin of error, and trails in most of the Midwest Blue Wall states, though also within the margin of error. Current assessments, 1,500 GOP lawyers, and a host of new GOP inspired state laws make it a foregone conclusion the outcome of the race will not be known by the end of Election Day. Oh yeah, did I say, the majority of Republicans, especially office holders and candidates are sticking closer to Trump than a straight razor shave? “Mark Robinson is No Donald Trump: Just Stating the Obvious!”


I’m done; holla back!


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