Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Republican National Convention is Up; The Democratic National Convention is on Deck

It's time to Break It Down!

The Republican National Convention is Up; the Democratic National Convention is on Deck


The Republican National Convention owns TV this week. I suppose that might make for an interesting topic du jour. Then again, the week was preceded by what appeared to have been an assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life. To be sure, that will be a recurring theme during the Convention in Milwaukee. 

Undoubtedly, that could be considered a compelling theme by some. In fact, the serendipitous nexus between the two events might be an even more interesting topic, based upon the way many people view the two events. Without question, that is a cynical outlook. Indeed, I usually endeavor to disabuse my friends and associates from co-signing conspiracy theories. In this case, I’m only going to say, occasionally, things don’t add up, and when they don’t, there’s usually a reason. You saw it; draw your own inferences.


Were it not for all the furor surrounding the events above, the angst associated with Joe Biden’s pending nomination and acceptance at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago would be every news outlet’s lead story. As someone who leans Blue, I’m delighted to see the onslaught against Biden’s mental acuity cede the spotlight, even if only temporarily, to the GOP’s policy differences with President Biden. I know the siege will resume next week, but I’ll take the week off.


I readily stipulate, I’m not a fan of the modern GOP (and make no mistake, the contemporary Republican Party is not the same as the party of Lincoln). I have not been watching the cavalcade of conservative Cognoscenti working feverishly to maximize their 3 to 4 minutes of airtime, lauding their Chosen One. I’m good with the CliffsNotes served up by the news & social media outlets, capturing and communicating all the reasons they favor their preferred old guy to the old guy that heads the Democratic Party, even if he hasn’t met the appropriately high standards of many Democrats.


Occasionally, I like to make it clear that I can find plenty of fault with both of our two major political parties. It is, however, important to set out from the start, that good, bad, or indifferent, we have, as a nation, created a two-party system. To wit, at the end of the day, we are faced with a binary choice. As such, despite a variety of third and other minor parties and candidates, in this and other presidential elections, the prevailing candidate will be either a Democrat or a Republican. Individuals certainly have the right to make other choices, but let’s be blunt. Voting for someone other than the Democrat or the Republican means one of several different things: 

The candidate for whom you vote will not be the winner; that’s a given. You may not like the idea of supporting a candidate you consider the lesser of evils, however, by doing otherwise, you chance propelling the greater of evils to victory. 


There are 111 days until Election Day; fewer, if you vote early. I urge you to register to vote, if you haven’t already done so…and of course, to exercise your duly earned right. Remember, in most states, you will need to present your valid Voter ID to vote. “The Republican National Convention is Up; the Democratic National Convention is on Deck!”


I’m done; holla back!

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