This will be a short post. No links, no preponderance of citations; just a few personal observations about the events of the day…or, as it were, yesterday.
For the second week in a row, politics and presidential candidates took center stage, and for the second week in a row, there was virtually no suspense. The results in both the Iowa Caucuses, and the New Hampshire Primary were rendered before the clock struck 9:00 p.m. On the GOP side, Donald Trump won both contests, becoming the first non-incumbent GOP Presidential candidate to win in both Iowa, and New Hampshire.
Democrats are part of a different narrative. In Iowa, there will be a Primary in March, which will result in delegate allocation. In New Hampshire, President Biden did not register for the Primary, as the DNC effectively decertified the Primary due to New Hampshire Democrats flouting the DNC decision to hold its Primary before the February 3rd South Carolina Primary, which the DNC opted to make first in the 2024-Cycle. Just to be cautious, Democrats arranged a hastily constructed Write-in Campaign, to ensure that Biden didn’t lose, while not even running. Biden won. As a Write-in. No Delegates were awarded.
To make what could be a long story, appropriately short, in all appearances, we have come full circle. The 2020 Race is effectively, the 2024 Race. Translation: for the next 11 months, America Past will battle America Present for the right to become America Future. Lots of people disdain the circus that is politics, and they shut down when that is the subject du jour. Recognizing what lies ahead, I’ve trod lightly in the political arena over the last 12 months. I can assure you, the coming months will not be all politics, all the time. However, it will not be possible to avoid discussing what’s likely to be a bruising campaign between the current and former Presidents. So, I will take this opportunity to keep it short and sweet. Here’s to the next 286 days. “New Month, New Year, Same Race!”
I’m done; holla back!
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