Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Context Matters: 'I Believe In The Science of Vaccination'

It's time to Break It Down!


The nested quotation above was part of a roughly 37-second Sean Hannity clip in a Fox News segment Monday night. In the clip, he encouraged his viewers to take covid seriously, and consult their physicians about the efficacy of vaccination. He lamented the number of people who’ve died from Covid, and added, we don’t need any more deaths. On its face, it may sound as though Hannity has turned over a new leaf and come to his ever-loving senses. Taken in isolation, it may sound that way. But let’s not rush to judgment. This, after all, is Sean Hannity, speaking to a Fox News audience.


Before reaching any conclusion, unadvisedly, consider the preceding, and subsequent segments. First, the statement followed a segment in which the same Hannity criticized Indiana University for mandating vaccines. The seeming pitch was then followed by an interview of a college student who had lost feeling in her legs due to contracting Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), after taking a different kind of vaccine, and who refuses to get the Covid shot. Not surprisingly, neither Hannity, nor Radiologist Nicole Saphier, a Fox News contributor, made it clear GBS is rare. The CDC says there have been one to two cases per million vaccines administered, most of whom fully recover.  


He also referenced the right to medical privacy and doctor-patient confidentiality. Both issues obliquely point back to the fact that Sean and several other Fox hosts who frequently rail against vaccinations have opted not to divulge to their audiences whether they themselves have gotten vaccinated for Covid. Remember when months after he left office, it was revealed that 45 and his spouse were vaccinated, before he left office? Take it for what it’s worth. Context Matters: ‘I Believe In The Science of Vaccination!’


I’m done; holla back!


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