Wednesday, July 15, 2020

What A Difficult Choice: Umm, No, Not Really!

It's time to Break It Down!

This is a brief post. I’ve been inspired by memes in the past. But I’ve never in essence, made a meme the blog. That changes today. There are anti-vaxxers, anti-elites, anti-scientists, even individuals who are anti- education. It is readily apparent that many Trump loyalists are deeply ensconced in one or more, possibly even all, of these factions. Be that as it may, we are, in my opinion, faced with a clear and compelling choice, when it comes to deciding from whom we should seek guidance, as we attempt to extricate ourselves from the morass that is COVID-19, A.K.A. coronavirus.

With that in mind, how to proceed is a function of accepting the advice and counsel of either Donald Trump or Dr. Fauci. Yes, the choice is binary; it’s just that simple. That brings me to the meme. It is framed, thusly:


Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D.:
Graduated first in his class,
Cornel University, 1966

Director of the National Institute
Of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Expert in HIV, AIDS, SARS,
Swine Flu, Ebola, MERS

Donald J. Trump:
Allegedly cheated on his SAT’s
Brother’s friend said to have admitted him to Fordham University
Conceals his grades

Purportedly characterized as:
“An idiot” General John Kelly, Reince Priebus
“A f***ing morin” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
“A dope, a kindergartner” Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster
“Dumb as sh*t” Economic Advisor Gary Cohn
“The dumbest student I ever had.” Wharton Professor William T. Kelley

In this case, the device provides such a pointedly succinct juxtaposition, no further narrative is required. And, as brevity is the soul of wit, I will restate the premise, and rest my case. “What A Difficult Choice: Umm, No, Not Really!”

I’m done; holla back!

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