Wednesday, June 5, 2019

And Another One: White House Orders Former Staffers Not To Cooperate With Congress

It's time to Break It Down!

Yesterday, the White House again directed former employees to ignore Congressional subpoenas and not provide documents to the House Judiciary Committee. In this latest of instances, it instructed Hope Hicks and Annie Donaldson to refuse to comply by not providing information the Committee had requested.

Donald Trump has pledged to contest, defy, and or fight any efforts by the Democratically controlled House to get information from individuals who currently serve the White House, or who formerly worked for him. He has issued a blanket assessment that such subpoenas amount to what he deems presidential harassment.

His supporters continue to argue he has a point, and, of course, they accept his reasoning. Democrats have launched a variety of probes, including into his taxes, his finances, and into his administration.

This post could take up numerous pages, and address various individuals who’ve already been precluded from openly sharing with a duly elected co-equal branch of government, information that it has every right to collect. It could. But it won’t. In fact, I will close with the most basic of questions. 

If, as Trump suggests, and as his backers concur, there is no there, there, what does Donald Trump have to hide?

As the talk radio phrase goes, I’ll hang up and listen! “And Another One: White House Orders Former Staffers Not To Cooperate With Congress!”

I’m done; holla back!

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