Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"North Carolina Raise Up:" Early Voting Begins Tomorrow

It's time to Break It Down!

This post is a straightforward matter.  It will be brief. 

While most weeks I endeavor to tell a story though the blog, today’s edition is really more of a directive than a than a narrative.  The instruction is quite simple.  The 2014 General Election Day is Tuesday, November 4th.  In North Carolina, Early Voting begins tomorrow and extends until November 1st.  Absentee Ballots may be requested by mail until Tuesday, October 28th.  Your mission, and I know you will choose to accept it, is, GO VOTE!  It’s really that simple. 

The deadline for registration for the November Election was October 10th.  So, if you’ve yet to register, you’re too late for this election.  However, as I like to say, if you ARE eligible, and do not vote, YOU, my friend, are part of the problem. 

I am reminded of the expression, “Think globally; act locally.”  In a very real sense, we can apply that sagacious advice to voting.  We all want our world to be a better place.  Often in contemplating that wanting, we think of all the faraway implications of that desire.  And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  However, most people’s truth is, it is controlling the nearby, mundane, and readily manageable details that make the greatest impact on our lives, and the lives of those we love and care about most.

Voting is like that.  For sure, it is important to ponder for whom you will cast your ballot.  Moreover, in the best-case scenario, you’ll learn what they stand for, and the kinds of things for which you can…and should…hold them accountable.

Here in Charlotte, my ballot will include a seat for the U.S. Senate, a seat for the U.S. House of Representatives, a NC State Senate seat, a NC House of Representatives seat, a District Attorney seat, three at-large seats and one District seat for the Board of County Commissioners, a seat for County Sheriff, three seats for Associate Justice of the NC Supreme Court and one for Chief Justice of the NC Supreme Court, four seats for the NC Court of Appeals, two seats for NC Superior Court, eight seats for NC District Court, two seats for Soil & Water Conservation District, and Referenda on: a Constitutional Amendment to allow any person accused of a crime in a non Death Penalty case to forego a jury trial, a local sales tax of .25%, Public Improvement Bonds, Housing Bonds, and Neighborhood Improvement Bonds.  There you have it; local infrastructure, and elected officials who will make policy that will affect matters in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Raleigh/Statewide, and Washington/the Nation/and the world. 

Your and my local actions will have repercussions all the way to global boundaries, as in when our U.S. Senator potentially exercises his vote on our next war.  I will not tell you for whom to vote.  What I will say is there is one Party that has systematically tamped down, some say suppressed, voting opportunities.  That same Party has opposed healthcare reform, defeated an attempt to increase the minimum wage, and refused allow an extension of unemployment benefits, as well as consistently opposed a number of other matters generally deemed to be progressive public policy.  I will not be voting for individuals in that Party! 

As for you, I implore you to vote.  It doesn’t have to be tomorrow, but if you can, why not?  And while you are at it, remind, encourage, and do whatever you can to persuade as many others as you can to vote, as well.  In 2012, Americans responded enthusiastically to the challenge posed by those who attempted to discourage voting.  We are facing a similar challenge today.  How will you respond? 

I’m done; holla back!

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