Wednesday, July 10, 2013

All You Need to Know!

It's time to Break It Down!

Last week I opted to risk offending the basic sensibilities of the more refined readers among you, by constructing a post that underscored my off-the-chart temerity.  Yes, I actually included the unadulterated, non-coded, no hyphen included, N-word in the Title.

Clearly, my readership is on point.  Not a single individual provided a direct written response.  Congratulations!  The NSA will have nothing on any of you.  At least, they will have nothing on you related to that blog.  I just hope you didn’t wait ‘til last week to clean up your act.  LOL!

This week’s entry is brief, as the Title suggests.  However, don’t be sidetracked by the lead-in.  While I mentioned last week’s post in the lead-in paragraph, it is the post from two weeks ago that I want to summon your attention to for today’s review.

On June 26th, I wrote about the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) and its role the previous day in crippling the Voting Rights Act (VRA).  In essence, by a 5-4 vote, the Court struck down the central element of the 1965 Voting Rights Act (VRA), Section IV.  Already, chickens are coming home to roost.

In the ensuing two weeks since SCOTUS ruled on the VRA, a number of states have moved rapidly to erode the protections of the law.  Michael Cooper, a national correspondent for The New York Times wrote in that paper on July 5th, “State officials across the South are aggressively moving ahead with new laws requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls after the Supreme Court decision striking down a portion of the Voting Rights Act.”

Since the Tea Party revolt of 2010, Republicans have controlled many of the State Houses across the South.  In North Carolina, for example, the GOP won both Houses of the General Assembly in 2010, marking the first time in over a century the Party controlled both Chambers of the State’s Legislature.  In 2012, the Party added the Governorship, when Pat McCrory, former Charlotte Mayor, won the Governor’s race.

Republicans have contended for some time that such laws are necessary to interdict voter fraud; an argument they make, despite the fact that voter fraud is an issue only in extremely rare instances.  In fact, ironically, in the 2012 election, most of the reported cases of such activity implicated Republicans.  I suppose, when you think of it that light, perhaps the GOP may have some special insight into the nature of the problem…if you know what I mean.

Democrats have consistently countered the frequently hollow voter fraud assertion with the insistence that they are concerned that the Courts’ ruling, and the laws that inure from it will make it more difficult for many poor and minority voters to cast their ballots, especially in states with a history of discrimination…most of which are in the South.

In Texas, authorities moved, the same day SCOTUS ruled, to enact a Photo ID law.  According to The Raw Story, State Attorney General Greg Abbott declared, “With today’s decision, the state’s voter ID law will take effect immediately.  Photo identification will now be required when voting in elections in Texas.”

In Mississippi and Alabama, State Houses had passed their own voter ID laws, but had not received federal approval to enact them.  Both states have now announced plans to advance post haste.

According to a Los Angeles Times report, “Republicans in the Old North State (North Carolina) intend to adopt stricter voter identification laws.  The same report says the state GOP is pushing to end the state’s early voting laws, Sunday voting, and same-day voter registration.”  Denizens of the Tar Heel State will be safe from voter fraud.  Sadly, the odds don’t seem nearly as good for avoiding voter suppression.

As you might imagine, civil rights activists and advocates have expressed alarm over the Court’s ruling.  Moreover, millions of voters from over a dozen states find their right to the ballot jeopardized by Southern Legislatures moving assertively to ensure a reduction in the number of voters, and an increase in the number of challenges standing between voters and their ballots.  That, gentle reader, is “All You Need to Know!”

I’m done; holla back!

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