Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer is Upon Us; But for This President, No Sign the Livin' is Easy!

It's time to Break It Down!

George Gershwin composed the music for the aria Summertime for the 1935 opera, Porgy & Bess.  The words were written by DuBose Heyward, author of the novel Porgy, on which the opera was based.  Ira Gershwin also received writing credits for the song.

As most elementary and secondary schools kick-off the annual ritual of Summer Vacation, the NBAFinals gear up, and the calendar signals we are a mere week away from the Summer Solstice (First day of summerJune 20, 2012, this year), it is natural to reflect on the opening line of this immortal standard from Porgy & Bess, “Summertime, and thelivin’ is easy.”

It may be easy in 2012…that is, unless you are connected in some way to the Obama Presidency, re-election campaign, or really Democratic Party politics at large.  If your lot is to check any of those boxes, then chances are your may be wondering, what on earth happened to June?  In a short month (30 days as opposed to 31), that is not even half way over, the litany of jarring consequences already includes:

·         Continued slowing of job growth

·         Huge loss in the Wisconsin Governor’s recall

·         Potential Contempt-of-Congress citation for AttorneyGeneral Eric Holder

·         President Clinton going off message

·         Governor Romney winning the May Fundraising sweepstakes

·         Democrats & Republicans complaining about national security leaks

·         President Obama faltering with a McCain-like “The privatesector is fine” gaffe

·         Economic headwinds from Europe lengthening America’s economic malaise

·         Possibility that the Supreme Court might strike downObamacare before the month is over

With a Top 10 List as auspicious as the one above, it’s clear anything else, clearly, must be categorized at piling-on.  So be it, for over the weekend, Secretary of Commerce, John Bryson, wascited for his involvement in a bizarre 3xcar crash weekend.

Not surprisingly, the media have viewed this seemingly endless sequence as just that; the gift that keeps on giving.  Mr. Bryson tookmedical leave this past Monday; Deputy Secretary Rebecca Blank is slated toserve as Acting Secretary until Mr. Bryson returns.
The Romney Campaign, understandably, is attempting to leverage the events of this month, and to turn them into the beginning of the end for Team Obama’s prospects for recapturing to the White House.  It is a tad early to declare the Presidents’ efforts null and void…but by no means too early to consider the possibility.
As June turns into July, and the intensity of the Obama-Romney tête-à-tête escalates to white-hot, it is likely POTUS will claim better months than this one.  I do not possess a crystal ball, so I will not even hazard a guess at to the outcome.  Most current polls consider the race a dead heat, which is a prime reason to look for a tight finish.
It might happen that way, but at the moment, Mr. Romney is trending, as they say in the Twittersphere.  That status of events suggest it is indeed possible for Governor Romney to finish comfortably ahead.  With that in mind, if you are a fan of the sport called politics, buckle up, and get ready for the Grande Finale.  Summer is upon us; But For This President, NoSign the Livin’ is Easy!

I’m done; holla back!
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