Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Geronimo-E KIA

It's time to Break It Down!

It is safe to say President Obama had a busy week.  This time last week, he released his long-form Birth Certificate.  At the time, it seemed fairly significant to the millions who followed the issue, having been consistently, loudly, & enthusiastically sought by The Donald.  In fact, even going into the weekend, it seemed like a signature moment.

Mr. Trump, a masterful media manipulator of the first magnitude, had attempted to jump ahead of the parade that could/should have run him out of town.  He proudly took full credit for forcing the President to do something no one else was able to do; release his real Birth Certificate.  The only problem with that fanciful spin is the previously released Short Form is the real document.  The Long Form is no longer used as an official document in Hawaii.  All business requiring Birth Certificates is now conducted using the so-called Short Form.

President Obama, for his part played along.  At the Annual White House Correspondents’Dinner, Mr. Obama spoofed the Birth Certificate brouhaha, and gently chided Mr. Trump, insinuating that a Trump White House would look like a cheesy Casino Resort.  For his part, The Donald seemed to take the President’s comments all in stride, even though he did challenge the President’s educational qualifications and credentials, earlier, when he was forced to abandon the Birther issue.

But that was Saturday; what a difference a day makes!  Sunday evening around 10:15 p.m., television networks interrupted regular programming to proclaim that Osama bin Laden had been killed during an American covert military operation that lasted a mere 38 minutes.  At its conclusion, the operation was dubbed Geronimo-E KIA.  In developing a shorthand method of referring to bin Laden, the terrorist became known as Geronimo.  The E KIA implies Enemy, Killed in Action.  After 10 years that spanned the serious pursuit of two American Presidents, that pretty much says it all.

In 2007, early in the Presidential campaign, candidate Obama stated that targeting al-Qaeda should be an American priority, and we should shift our military focus from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan.  He took a lot of heat for that from Democrats and Republicans alike.  Refusing to renounce his position, he instead doubled down during the 2008 Presidential debates pledging that if bin Laden were determined to be in Pakistan, and if the Pakistani government were unable or unwilling to act, he would unilaterally pursue and kill the perpetrator of the 9-11 Massacre.  On Sunday evening, he fulfilled that commitment.

Over the course of the 2008 Campaign, and frequently during the nearly 2 and a half years of the Obama Presidency, Republicans have frequently attacked President Obama for his lack of strength, resolve, and experience in navigating American’s foreign policy landscape.  Weak was an oft repeated refrain.  In the soft afterglow of the release of the long-form Birth Certificate and the long-awaited resolution of the Osama bin Laden question, is there any doubt the Obama detractors will now finally begin to craft more cogent arguments that relate to the central and more pressing domestic issues of adding jobs, reducing unemployment, eliminating the deficit, and balancing the budget? 

The notion that this President can be cast as the quintessential ‘fraidy cat is continuing to lose currency.  In March 2009, Mr. Obama said:

  • "So I want the American people to understand that we have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and to prevent their return to either country in the future." 
Over the past two years, Mr. Obama has:

  • Initiated the Iraq troop drawdown
  • Ordered Navy Seals to kill 3 Somali Pirates on the Indian Ocean, while they were holding American hostages
  • Upgraded and increased the number of American troops in Afghanistan
  • Authorized a mission that led to the execution of Osama bin Laden, Public Enemy #1. 
In retrospect, when considering the Cowardly Lion myth of President Obama, in the parlance of the Old South, “That dog don’t hunt!  When pressed, he has directed; not dithered.

Let’s be clear; killing bin Laden doesn’t end the War on Terror.  Even now there is a full-throated debate on whether to release photographs of bin Laden’s slain body.  One argument in support of the release is that there are those in al-Qaeda who question whether their leader is actually dead.  Without photo evidence, some will no doubt contend there is no proof.  Alternately, opponents of releasing photos argue that pictures would only serve to further agitate Islamist extremists, who will then threaten the safety of members of the U.S. Armed Forces, and the security of Americans everywhere. 

It’s a conundrum with no apparent right answer.  Most indications suggest some photos will be released.  The expectation is they would eventually be tweeted or leaked in some manner anyway.  It is prudent to take proactive measures, rather than to be forced to react.

There are a number of developing elements that relate to this matter.  Two reasonably interesting discussions include:

·       The role of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (aka Waterboarding)

·       Who gets credit for this operation; Bush, Obama, or both?

There are disparate accounts of just what methods were used to get the information necessary to formulate and carry out Geronimo-E KIA.  It has been both asserted and denied that waterboarding played a role in gathering the information necessary to find bin Laden. 

New York Representative, Peter King, Republican, said in a report that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the source who identified bin Laden’s courier, Abu Ahmad.  Sheikh Mohammed is alleged to have been waterboarded repeatedly while detained by George W. Bush Administration officials.  In a separate account, Donald Rumsfeld, who served as Secretary of Defense under George W. Bush maintained that the Defense Department did not use the technique during his tenure.  Is this plausible deniability epitomizedYou make the call!

President Obama will visit 9-11 Ground Zero tomorrow.  He asked President George W. Bush to accompany him, in a move designed to symbolize the combined and continuous efforts made by the last two American Administrations.  President Bush declined.  A spokesperson said Mr. Bush would observe from afar with other Americans, while he continues to live life outside the spotlight.  Some analysts are citing a political undertow, and note that many Republicans have lambasted President Obama for not crediting President Bush during his Sunday evening speech.

Again, I leave you to your own opinion about assigning credit.  There is no question, President Bush pursued bin Laden with ardor.  But while you form your opinion, the question that occurs to me is, would the discussion center on Mr. Bush if the mission had failed and American soldiers had been killed?  You make the call.     

Ultimately, it is increasingly clear that the American people want their national political leaders to rescue the nation from a different kind of terror; that of unemployment, job compression, unaffordable health care, unstable Social Security benefits, and a burgeoning budget deficit.  With the elimination of many of the previous issues, faux and fair, there will be more opportunities to focus on bolstering domestic tranquility and prosperity.

It is safe to say, we have a distance to travel before we arrive at place in terms of our public policy debates.  Might I suggest, then, the sooner we get started, the quicker we can get there.

I’m done; holla back!

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