Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Empire Strikes Back: The Professional Left Speaks

It's time to Break It Down!

To call Howard Dean a distinguished public servant would understate his varied and notable accomplishments. He spent six terms as Vermont’s 79th Governor, he was a 2004 candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, and Dr. Dean, a physician by training, also served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) from 2005-2009. Historians will note he was one of the architects of the Democratic Party’s successful 2008 national campaign, winning control of both Houses of Congress, and electing a Democrat president.

That would be considered an impressive trifecta under any circumstances. Of course, Dean’s role will warrant a special place since Barack Obama won, breaking the color barrier associated with ascending to the Office of the President.

During his twelve years serving as Governor of Vermont, Dr. Dean fashioned an impressive array of deliverables, including:

• Serving as chairman of the National Governors Association

• Establishing policies and programs that enabled Vermont to pay of much of its public debt

• Crafting a balanced budget 11 times in 12 years

• Lowering income taxes twice

• Expanding the "Dr. Dynasaur" program ensuring universal health care for children and pregnant women in the Vermont

Not too shabby!

A couple of weeks ago, I penned a post about the so-called Professional Left. More aptly, the piece described how Robert Gibbs, the President’s Press Secretary, chided Left-Leaning Democrats for being obtuse, and in reality:

1. Failing to give credit to this President’s notable list of accomplishments

2. Not recognizing the import and impact if the schism they are creating by registering their complaints, loudly, publicly…and frequently

This internal Party dust-up drew a fair amount of heat and light for a couple of days, and then appeared to subside. Not so fast, Kemo Sahbee! Fast forward two weeks, and The Professional Left finds its voice, in one Howard Dean. Yes, the same Dean who was instrumental in helping Team Obama lease the keys to the Oval Office.

Interestingly, Dr. Dean did not eviscerate the President. In fact, he seemed to craft his remarks, carefully, so as to convey the sentiment that while the President still has his finger on the pulse of what’s going on outside Washington, DC and the Beltway, his people are slow on the uptake. There are members of the Animal Kingdom who eat their young and others who cannibalize the weak and defenseless. While neither side of this tiff is appropriately characterized as either young or weak and defenseless, this slow-to-develop exchange does foster the notion of an organization at conflict with itself; caught in a classic “Enemy Within” state.

At a glance, albeit, a very quick one, admittedly, the aspect of Dean’s retort that I find most interesting is not that there are qualms with this President; that actually seems quite natural. This POTUS, like all Commanders-in-Chief, especially Democrats, must find a way to satisfy his base. This is always a challenging assignment. Republicans are finding this out, and they are not even the Party in power, so to speak.

The GOP struggled and failed to concoct the magic formula during the ’08 General Election. Voila, the Tea Party emerged to challenge the conservative credentials of Republicans, the ideology of Democrats, and everything about President Obama, from his birthplace to his religion.

Democrats, at their best, value diversity, and find strength in it. But the Party is composed of so many elements, ranging from the Blue Dogs, whom some would call ultra-conservatives in Democrat’s clothing to the so-called Professional Left. It is an absolute certainty that at times there will be subsets among the various groups who not only promote competing objectives, but who find themselves unalterably opposed to tenets and desires of other Party members.

This is the nexus at which Mr. Gibbs, Dr. Dean, and their respective proponents find themselves; a bona fide sticky wicket. The November General Election is 10 weeks from yesterday. While the two sides spend valuable time jousting with each other, the clock is ticking, November 2nd is approaching, and the intellectual capital that would be better used, were it consolidated, and preparing to take on the opposing Party, seems primed for an extended bout of internal combat. The November success of the Democratic Party seems the most likely casualty of this ill-advised tactic. So, The Empire Strikes Back: The Professional Left Speaks!” This exchange has a distinct Trojan Horse feel to it. In other words, if the opposition were designing an ideal end game for Democrats to execute that would result in ensuring Republican success in November; this might very well be it.

I’m done; holla back!

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