Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Break It Down; This Day In History!

The evening of Monday, August 20, 2007 started uneventfully enough. I sat down at my PC, fairly early, with the intent to take one small step to narrow my own personal Digital Divide. I had engaged in a conversation earlier that day about a comment that I had written and shared with a few friends; Fraternity Brothers, actually. One of them thought the comments were on point, and suggested I blog on the subject. After reading my reply, reciting my lack of technological savvy, a second assured that it was not that difficult, and forwarded a blog starter link. One year later, the rest, as they say, is history!

This is where I insert a commercial break in order to say a deeply appreciative thank-you, to Brothers Jacobe Foster, and Charles Campbell, proud members of the Ice Cold Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. ( I could never…no, I would never have done it without your subtle prodding.

Since that sultry August evening, a year ago today, I have published 60 blogs, pretty much sticking to the original format I committed to after writing three the first week. I decided early on to establish a challenging (for me), but achievable goal. In evaluating the time, research, and general effort necessary to produce the first three, I believed I could maintain a production schedule of once a week, without compromising, significantly altering, or otherwise interfering with life’s sacred prerequisites, such as friends and family, career, recreation, worship, eating, sleeping, travel, etc.

With that in mind, each Wednesday since then, I have published an edition of Break It Down! My weekly constitutional has resulted in exploring a variety of topics, from Obama, in the very first one, to The Olympics, in last week’s conversation piece. In the interim, the discourse has comprised an eclectic panoply, encompassing thoughts ranging from:

Jesse Jackson to Jesse Helms
The CIAA to the NCAA
Cloning to Castro
The State of Black America to the State of the Union
Jena to JCSU
Michael Vick to Marion Jones; with Barry Bonds thrown in for good measure
Jeremiah Wright to the Justice System
The Super Bowl to Super Tuesday to Fat Tuesday
McCain to MLK
Presidents to (my personal favorite) Porsches

From the beginning the idea has been to avoid framing a topical niche for this vehicle. Instead, my aim has been to produce a continuous series of well-written, sufficiently researched, cogent opinion pieces that readers would enjoy, and/or find interesting. It is time for a second commercial; this one targeting you, the reader.

Invariably, I hear from some you who read the blog. Most of your comments are encouraging, many affirm my efforts, and of course, occasionally, a few of you find it necessary or appropriate to help get me on the right track. A few of those comments are shared through the blog link, while most are sent to me directly. Thanks for taking the time to read what I have written. Thanks to those of you who share it with others. Most notably, thanks to you who holla back; regardless of whether you agree with me. I appreciate, and am motivated by your feedback. I owe you an enormous debt of gratitude

As I said at the outset, I intended to take one small step to reduce my Digital Divide. A year later, I cannot channel Neil Armstrong and lay claim to having fundamentally altered the path of mankind, but I have taken one giant leap for me. On this day in history, that is good enough for me. Holla back!

Read my blog anytime by clicking the link: A new post is published each Wednesday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's always good keeping up with you through your blog. I write for the paper at my b-school and understand the tremendous effort that goes into producing a regular column. Congrats on making it through the first year and I look forward to reading more in the future.

