Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Blame Game

Bill Cosby Is a Very Funny Fellow, Right! The venerable Cos is many things to many people. A septuagenarian, Cosby was born in Philadelphia in 1937. Since 2004 he has been barnstorming across America, brandishing his unique, newly minted version of the gospel truth. His message is aimed at edifying and elevating African-Americans out of what he and Co-Author, Dr. Alvin Poussaint refer to as a Culture of Victimhood.

Cosby and Poussaint jointly authored a book entitled, Come On People: On the Path from Victims to Victors. The book, the authors, especially Cosby, and the message, have stimulated robust conversation and debate in chat rooms, living rooms, dining rooms, and recently all have been prominently featured on the talk-show circuit.

Who is William Henry Cosby, Jr., anyway? When did he become the anointed African-American issues savant du jour? What has he done to captivate the so much of the focus of our…and at least the staunchly conservative segment of the larger community? Why do you care…what Bill Cosby thinks, or says? Where will the gospel according to Cosby lead us, if we choose to accept his wise counsel?

Cosby has led a full and richly rewarding life. He dropped out of high school after failing 10th grade, and later attained his GED through correspondence courses, working as an apprentice in a shoe repair shop, and serving a stint in the Navy. He was a scholastic athlete at Temple University, where he studied physical education, ran track, and played football. Cosby also dropped out of Temple, but returned to earn a BA. He also earned an MA, and an Ed.D from the University of Massachusetts. Oh by the way, for all my friends who cherish Purple and Gold, Dr. Cosby is a proud member of Omega Psi Phi.

Cosby has accomplished more than many remember, and more than most of us know. He started his professional career as a stand-up comedian, and in 1963 had his first album; Bill Cosby Is a Very Funny Fellow, Right! He broke through in TV two years later as a co-star in I Spy. Since then Cosby has gone on to garner an abundance of success in multiple endeavors. He has:

Authored 10 books
Made 36 albums
Been awarded at least 6 Doctorate Degrees
Received 2 Golden Globe Awards
Won 3 Emmys
Taken home 9 Grammy Awards
Served as a pitch man for Jell-O, Kodak, Coca-Cola, and Service Merchandise
Been a political activist
Honored as a humanitarian
Supported numerous philanthropic causes
Been married to his wife, Camille since 1964
Parented, with Camille, 5 children, one Ennis, who was killed in 1997.

Not a bad resume’ for a two-time dropout, born less than a decade after the Great Depression! The preceding summary helps answer the question, who is Bill Cosby? It may even cover, who does Bill Cosby think he is? It also fills in some blanks that serve as a proxy to validate when he was anointed, at least for some. Cosby has not only transcended the field of entertainment, but through his activism, humanitarian acts, and philanthropy, he has also made an indelible mark on issues that influence our daily lives. Indeed, Mr. Cosby is culturally relevant, and as such, absolutely, there are many reasons why we should care what he thinks or says.

OK, the who, when, and why questions have been addressed. That leaves two questions, including the compelling what has this man done to warrant the hype, and the direction-laden, where will The Cos lead us?

What has he done to provoke this controversy? Bill Cosby has staked himself out as a contrarian. His critics, and there are many, posit he is an embittered old man who, frustrated by personal tragedy, and beset by his own demons, has lashed out against those least equipped to subdue the various challenges they face. In other words, critics say he has invoked a potent combination of blame the victim and personal deflection; The Blame Game.

Alternately, his supporters, and there are many of them also, insist he has merely summoned the courage to quote the Dane, Hans Christian Andersen, and say, in a clear, resonant voice, The Emperor Has No Clothes! They contend African-American leaders and spokespersons routinely refuse to hold us accountable, individually and/or collectively. Moreover, they argue, it is this lack of self-oversight and governance that have led to the dire consequences and circumstances in which so many of us are too often immersed.

I respect Mr. Cosby greatly; his vita speaks for itself. I think he is sincere in his efforts, and that he believes his plan will help African-Americans, too many whom are lost, find our way. But, quite frankly, the message of his gospel seems unbalanced to me. Cos’ call-to-arms singles out African-Americans, period! The algebra of that equation just does not stand up. There are two sides, and they must both be solved. I am all for responsibility and accountability…just apply the remedy across the board. Then I think you have a winning formula.

Where will we end up by playing blind mice to Cosby’s Pied Piper? My cursory examination of the debate leads me to conclude Cosby’s prescription is a GPS-quality diagram straight to a fractured community, polarized by a debate prompted by an African-American hero.

That’s right, Bill Cosby is an icon, who has done enough for African-Americans that if he were to take his proverbial ball and go home today, he should still be accorded hero status. But even Michael Jordan learned that if you keep playing the game, you have to develop new skills as your old ones erode, or you will be embarrassed, or worse, made irrelevant.

So, Come On Bill: Even Things Up, and Let Us Help You Make Us Victors! That is my take. What do you think?

Holla back!

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To read and learn more about Dr. William Henry Cosby, Jr., click on the links below:,M1


Anonymous said...

I believe we are at a point of disagreement. I agree with Cos, we too often don't hold our people accountable. There are underlying issues and others that need to be held accountable, but the only people we can change (in the group sense) are ourselves. We need to focus on chaning the way we think and begin to understand, in a non-victim's mindset, what is really going on around us. When we do that, we can then try to tackle other things.

Alpha Heel said...


Thanks for your comment.

I appreciate your point, just as I do many of Mr. Cosby's. My rejoinder is, it's neither mutually exclusive, nor a zero sum game.

We can hold ourselves and others accountable at the same time.