Wednesday, June 26, 2024

SCOTUS on Trump: Anatomy of Running Out the Clock

It's time to Break It Down!


Last year at this time I wrote a post regarding the Supreme Court of the United States, familiarly known as SCOTUS. The Justices will complete their current term in the next few days. There are several cases still pending, but none more highly anticipated than Trump v. United States. This matter will see the Court deciding whether, and if so to what extent, a former president enjoys presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office.


SCOTUS accepted this case February 28, 2024. It was subsequently argued April 25, 2024. A decision on the case and the subsequent citation are pending. As June moves toward a close, marking the typical end of the session, there have already been intimations that completing the disposition of this year’s cases may bleed into July. Still, with the year’s first Presidential debate between President Biden and former President Trump, presumptive nominees of their respective parties, set for tomorrow night on CNN, there is more than a little expectation that the read out for the case may occur today, or tomorrow.


That is not to suggest that SCOTUS will be influenced by the exigencies of the political calendar. Rather, it is a recognition that “We the people,” would like to know the answers to the questions surrounding Mr. Trump’s immunity, including, Is he immune, and if so, to what degree, and under what circumstances.


Regardless of whether the Court announces it’s ruling this week, it is fair to say, intentional or not, it has already gifted Trump with at least one of the desires of his heart; for all practical purposes, delaying the disposition of the case prior to the November 5th Election. In an election that is viewed as tight, and one that Donald Trump could conceivably win, the so-called experts have projected that a President Trump would direct his Attorney General to squash the case, as well as any other federal cases against him. In Florida, Judge Cannon, by virtue of the way she has handled the classified documents case, has already ensured that that case cannot happen before the Election. Trump still has pending appeals in the New York falsifying documents case. Then, there is the specter of both an appeal, and the possible removal of DA Fani Willis from the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act case, both which must take place before the case proceeds to trial.


In conclusion, the judicial stars have aligned to, in all practical purposes, derail any further pre-Election trials for Donal Trump. That’s huge, regardless of whether he wins. However, if he happens to win, He has the option to make the three federal cases disappear, while if another prosecutor is selected in Georgia, there are questions about whether the case would even be pursued. It absolutely may not. “SCOTUS on Trump: Anatomy of Running Out the Clock!”


I’m done; holla back!


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