Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Old Glory: One Nation, One Flag!

It's time to Break It Down!

A year ago, at this time, I penned a post discussing the Toronto Raptors ascent to the NBA Title. I mention it today, only to underscore the fact the League hasn’t had a game in over three months, and is currently immersed in discussions to determine if, when, where, and how it will proceed to complete its season, and crown this year’s Champion. As a fan of the game, I remain hopeful that they figure it out, and let the games resume. It won’t be the same, but it will be better than ending with a “No Decision” verdict.

Today’s commentary will be brief. I frequently issue a special post around holidays. That saves time, but also is something I do in recognition of the fact that most folks have better things to do with their holiday breaks, than spend time reading blogs. Of course, in the age of COVID-19, that myriad of commitments to which we are normally tethered, is considerably lessened. Moreover, this weekend’s holiday, Flag Day (Sunday), is not one that was accompanied by days off, and may be officially considered a day of commemoration or observance, rather than a holiday. Still, I am opting to highlight it today.

Some people feel that during the duration of this administration, we have been engaged in a series of culture wars. As I write that, I am aware there are those who will insist the culture wars predated this administration. And they did. But the temperature on most of them has been continuously elevating for the past three and a half years. 

These battles, and in some circles, there are genuine battles, though most are of the rhetorical variety, tend to revolve around topics such as race, class, economics and principally, for the purposes of this post, the Flag. So, let’s get to it. We are Americans, and as such, citizens, and/or striving to become citizens of the United States, emphasis on United. Our Flag, which the President has made quite a kerfuffle over, from time to time, is Old Glory, A.K.A., The Stars and Stripes.

For the brief duration of its existence, the Confederate States of America, A.K.A., the Confederacy, had three flags, from 1861 to 1865. Those flags were known as the “Stars and Bars,” (1861-1863, the “Stainless Banner,” (1863-1865), and the “Blood-Stained Banner,” used in 1865 from shortly before the Confederacy’s dissolution until the hostilities ended. There was also a rejected national flag design used as a battle flag by the Confederate army, featuring elements of the “Stainless Banner” and the “Blood-Stained Banner” designs. 

While this particular design was never a national flag, it is commonly recognized as a symbol of the Confederacy. The Confederate States of America (CSA) waged war against the United States, in what is commonly called The Civil War. The CSA lost. In other words, the battle flag is the quintessential symbol of resistance, and ultimately, the lost cause; is the banner most frequently at the center of conflict, over the so-called (because it was never adopted), Confederate Flag. In the final analysis, and in the simplest of terms, it is the symbol of losers.

As referenced earlier, Sunday (June 14th) was Flag Day. I posted a meme, that in my opinion, was the be all-end all to the Flag discourse. It was short and simple, as every definitive statement should be concise. Shakespeare opined in Hamlet, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” The meme displayed Old Glory on a flagpole, fluttering in a blue sky, sandwiched between the words, THE ONLY U.S. FLAG THAT MATTERS, atop, and SINCE 1865!, underneath.

I’m done; holla back!

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