Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Willard's Euro & Middle East Vacation: Gaffes Galore!

It's time to Break It Down!

In 97 days Americans will go to the polls to elect the 45th President of the United States.  Between now and then, far and away, one of the most lucratively rewarding professions in this country will be advertising.  No subset of marketeers will see more business activity than the breed committed to churning out a bevy of creative, but negative ads.  Sadly, for all the so-called Exceptionalism, of which so many of our politicians boast, we as a culture have retrogressed into a people not only capable and willing to be swayed by such lunacy, but into a nation which appears to crave it.  End of rant!

Mitt Romney returned home yesterday after a weeklong trip to Europe (Great Britain & Poland) and the Middle East (Israel).  On paper, the trip was a political/marketing dream.  It contained four, ostensibly, wonderful components:

  1. It gave Mr. Romney an opportunity to make his first visit overseas as an official candidate for President of the United States.  
  2. It provided a framework with which to authenticate his bona fides as the titular leader and chief purveyor of conservative American policy abroad.
  3. It allowed him time and space to attend the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, while accentuating his role as the man who, a decade earlier, rescued the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City; at the same time, demonstrating his devotion as the husband of a woman who owned a horse (Rafalca) competing in the Dressage event.
  4. It created multiple foreign country fundraising opportunities to buttress his campaign’s July cash haul.

So far, so good!  But then an interesting thing happened.  Mr. Romney and his aides appeared to begin channeling Clark Griswold and his family, from Warner Brothers’ European Vacation, and National Lampoon’s “Vacation” film series (starring Chevy Chase as Clark Griswold). 

In the last several weeks, Team Romney has systematically upped the ante in terms of increasingly stiffening their resolve and attacking President Obama.  During the course of his trip, however, Mr. Romney had to invoke a weeklong hiatus on his attacks because there is an unwritten rule for candidates not to attack the President while on foreign soil.  As a result, the Romney camp was forced to devise a temporary strategy and talking points to carry them through the week.

Viewed through the lens of mainstream (often called lame stream by social conservatives) media, the Campaign had some difficulty changing horses in midstream, no offense to Rafalca.  The gaffes started early, and were repeated often.  By some accounts, the gaffes, misstatements, and miscalculations started while the traveling party was still stateside. 

While hobnobbing at a San Francisco fundraiser the Sunday night before the trip, Mr. Romney is said to have repeated a conversation from earlier in the day with Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr, in which he claimed Mr. Carr told him America was “in decline,” but the situation could be reversed if a budget deal were made.

It turns out the problem is, the story appears to have been a fabrication.  Minister Carr says he did not say what Romney attributed to him.  In fact he indicated he was praising America’s economic strengths.  But hey, it gets better…or worse, if you are viewing matters from a Team Romney perspective.

The litany of gaffes, untimely assertions, and otherwise questionable statements attributed to team Romney is substantial.  A list of 10 such statements not purported to be all inclusive, follows:

  • The United Kingdom’s Telegraph reported that a Romney aide said of Mitt Romney’s plan to improve U.S.-British relations, Mr. Romney was better placed to understand the depth of ties between the two countries than Mr. Obama, whose father was from Africa.  (What?)
  • He further added, “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special," the adviser said of Mr. Romney, adding: "The White House didn't fully appreciate the shared history we have".
  • Asked about his impression of London’s readiness for the Olympics, Romney contrasted the confusion he saw in London with the orderly Salt Lake City Winter Games he helmed in 2002 and sniffed, "It's hard to know just how well it will turn out."
  • The Prime Minister, David Cameron, replied, "Of course it's easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere," an off-hand reference to Salt Lake City where Mr. Romney oversaw the 2002 Winter Games.
  • He received a confidential briefing on Syria from MI6, Britain's spy service. We know he received this top-secret briefing because he told the reporters while standing outside the prime minister's house. I repeat, he told reporters.
  • Mr. Romney’s top foreign policy aide, Dan Senor, indicated to reporters that the candidate was prepared to support a unilateral Israeli military strike on Iran.  The Campaign then spent the next several hours “clarifying” those comments, without rejecting the original point.
  • Romney spent a considerable amount of time before his arrival in London, boasting about his close personal friendship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  In a Vanity Fair article over the weekend, the Prime Minister is quoted as saying, "I remember him for sure, but I don't think we had any particular connections.  I knew him and he knew me, I suppose."
  • Romney scheduled a meeting with the leaders of Israel's Labor Party, only to make a "last-minute cancellation."
  • At his Jerusalem fundraiser, Romney spent quite a bit of time praising the Israeli health care system, which covers more of the nation's population than America’s, while spending less as a percentage of GDP.  Mr. Romney may not have given full and thoughtful consideration to this, since – Israel – has a socialized system and a national mandate.  The kind of health care policy he was praising in Israel is the same kind of policy he routinely condemns here in America.
  • Culture makes all the difference!  Mr. Romney said to an Israeli audience, "And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things.  As you come here and you see the G.D.P. per capita, for instance, in Israel which is about $21,000, and compare that with the G.D.P. per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality," he said.

There's much with which to quibble in these assertions.  First, Mr. Romney's figures are inaccurate.  Also, it is curious for him to praise Israel's GDP, given that Israel has a top marginal income tax rate of 48% on income over $125,000.  This is the very sort of economic policy that offends Romney to the core…here at home.

Moreover, the argument that the fact that Israel has the superior "culture" is the reason Palestinians have less money is simply offensive on its face.  It conveys a degree of ignorance about "the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority," where economic activities are restricted and opportunities to create a robust GDP are limited. This argument also conveys an underlying elitism; inferior cultures, Romney seemed to argue, are the ones with lower per capita GDP.

One Israeli professor even noted that Romney's remark could be seen as playing into anti-Semitic stereotypes about Jews and money.  It's true that Israel has logged tremendous achievements, said Abraham Diskin, a political science professor at the Inter-Disciplinary Center outside of Tel Aviv.  But "you can understand this remark in several ways," he added.  "You can say it's anti-Semitic (a stereotype about Jews and money).'"

When pressed for an explanation, the Romney Campaign said the former governor had been taken out of context (there's a lot of that going around).  As campaign aides explained it, after mentioning the per capita GDP of Israel and Palestine, Romney added, "And that is also true between other countries that are near or next to each other; Chile and Ecuador, Mexico and the United States."

To put that in perspective, to downplay the ugliness of the underlying argument, the Romney camp wants reporters to know he also believes Chile has a superior culture to Ecuador, and Mexicans are inferior, too, by virtue of the size of their economy.

Finally, as the 8-day, 3-country trek wound down, and Team Romney was about to leave Poland, the party offered up one for the road.  As would-be President Romney headed to his car, ignoring a chorus of media questions about his gaffes, aide Rick Gorka could hold it no longer, and told some members of the press corps, “Kiss my ass, this is a holy site for the Polish people.  Show some respect.”  Certainly, that made for an interesting juxtaposition of ideas.  It should be noted; Mr. Gorka subsequently called members of the press and apologized. 

Rush Limbaugh, reacting to Gorka’s comments accused the media of driving the story, according to a transcript of the show.  He said, “Now the reporters areharassing Romney.  They are trying tocreate gaffes.  They’re working on behalfof Barack Obama.  They are attempting tocarry forth the meme that Romney’s foreign trip is a disaster, that it’s onegaffe after another.  They’re trying todo this in the mainstream.  And the factof the matter is Romney is having a home run of a trip.”

One other theory being posed is that the traveling media corps, which had followed Romney for 8 days, was frustrated by the lack of access.  The Campaign had provided only one opportunity to question the candidate, and he took only three questions.  You must admit, as logical as that may sound, it’s not nearly as interesting as a left wing media conspiracy.

Jamelle Bouie noted, "If Mitt Romney were a Democrat, his behavior on this foreign trip would all but disqualify him from the Presidency."

In his book, No Apology, Romney wrote of President Obama, "Never before in American history has its president gone before so many foreign audiences to apologize for so many American misdeeds, both real and imagined." In a primary debate he claimed that President Obama "went around the world and apologized for America" and has repeated the falsehood in his stump speech hundreds of time since. Politifact has consistently given Romney "Pants on Fire" ratings for inordinately repeating this egregious falsehood.

In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy popularized the refrain, There’s no place like home.”  You can be sure Team Romney was delighted to return to the U.S. yesterday.  What appeared at the outset to be a political/marketing dream, deteriorated over the course of a week, into a public relations nightmare.  You might say, it was Willard’s Euro & Middle Eastern Vacation: GaffesGalore!”

I’m done; holla back!

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