Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bitter and Frustrated!

One look at the topic above, and with little or no imagination, you could accurately project the essence of this topic. Yes, I decided to spend a few minutes taking a look at the most recently manufactured controversy attributed to Senator Barack Obama.

By now, virtually everyone knows the rudimentary elements of the story, at least. Last week, during a San Francisco fundraiser, Senator Obama referred to some Pennsylvania voters as bitter and frustrated…and added that they turn to guns, or religion; or they turn against immigrants.

Of course there was a deeper context involved. Obama did not simply characterize entire groups of Pennsylvanians as maladjusted societal dropouts. He attributed their outlook to deleterious effects of years of failed Republican policies, a fact neither of his Presidential Campaign rivals has bothered to elevate, and one that the media has been slow to concede.

It is important to recognize, at this juncture, that the Fourth Estate is materially enhanced by the nearly week-long brouhaha that has ensued. Similarly both of his competitors saw a chance to make hay at Obama’s expense. So tantalizing was the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow, until both Senators Clinton and McCain arrived, amazingly, at the same conclusion; that Barack Obama’s comments were Elitist.

Go ahead and call me a cynic, but in this rather contrived, gang up on the front runner ploy, I see a deliciously inventive political stratagem. Senator Clinton seized an opportunity to distance herself from the lingering media specter stemming from her outrageous Bosnia comments. They had, for weeks, been haunting her aspirations to swoop in and steal the Democratic Nomination. Senator McCain, having secured the Republican Nomination weeks ago, seemed to be left to suffer in silence, without a campaign to wage. Dealing himself into this media-made controversy seemed like just the ticket. “Go Tell It on the Mountain, the Election is coming!”

Taking a closer look at this situation, it is hard not to be amused. Here we have a Wellesley/Yale alum trying to besmirch the character of a Columbia/Harvard grad by labeling him with the E-word. Meanwhile, the USNA guy is acting as though he feels left out (of something important) & is saying, "How can I get a piece of that action?"

Were it not for the fact all three are in dogged pursuit of the highest office in the land, and possibly the biggest political prize the really would be funny. Instead, recognizing that short of a tragedy of monumental proportion, one of them will be President, this episode is basically...quite sad.

Consider this to inject an element of perspective. Senators Clinton, McCain, and Obama are members of the U.S, Senate; a body of 100 members which constitutes one-third of our 3-Branch Federal Government.

According to, the primary (first listed) definition of Elitist is: noun
1. Practice of or belief in rule by an elite.

To be an Elite, one must posses, or be perceived as possessing great intellect, high social status, or massive financial resources. Lest we kid ourselves, all three of these candidates are Elites. Moreover, name a modern-day United States President...and I will name the biggest, baldest Elite in all the land.

To be sure, the word Elitist has been given a bad rap, but so have liberal, and democrat. This debate, if you call it that, is predicated upon manipulation and intimidation by fud.

Fud: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Also known as scare tactics, either accomplished by threat or making the opponent doubt his standpoint. Not only used in lawsuits, but also in politics and military propaganda. See

To be sure, as the campaigns wear on, there are apt to be great ideas and issues, worthy of debate, requiring deep discernment, and artful articulation. It is even likely some will occur before the Conventions. But gentle readers, I solemnly submit to you, this issue of Bitter and Frustrated in Pennsylvania was not one of them. Move along; nothing to see here.

I am done; holla back!

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