Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vacate The Premises!

It's time to Break It Down!

So there is a group of people hating on President Obama for taking a family vacation. They argue he does not deserve a vacation. Detractors say he has not solved the nation’s problems; that the economy is still anemic, that Health Care initiatives are foundering, and that unemployment is still stratospheric. One such interest group was reported to have spent $150,000 on an ad designed to run during the Mr. Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard vacation, trashing the President for his purported indiscretion.

Interestingly, yesterday, in the midst of the sometimes intense dialogue surrounding the Presidential hiatus from the unrelenting challenges of the Affairs of State, the Commander-in-Chief returned briefly to the daily grind. In a move that underscores his continued commitment to bi-partisanship, and balanced appointments, he nominated Ben Bernanke to a second term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board (FRB).

Of course the move also continues a pattern of overlapping FRB Chairs. Paul Volcker served under Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan; his successor, Alan Greenspan served under Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, and now, Bernanke, a Republican who previously served under George W. Bush has been nominated for a second term by Barack Obama. He faces Senate Confirmation.

It should be noted, however, the nomination runs against the grain at a time when Republicans, Independents, and Blue Dog Democrats have all picked out countless reasons to attack Health Care Reform, and almost any other Obama proposal. Rush Limbaugh went on record, early in Obama’s tenure, admitting he hopes the President fails. A few weeks ago, Senator Jim DeMint, of South Carolina, opined, “If we are able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him.” A short time later Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele, called Mr. Obama’s Health Care initiatives Socialism, and agreed it was his Waterloo.

These do not sound like the pronouncements of individuals whom are interested in seeking, reaching, or accepting for that matter, an accord with the President that would benefit over 40 million Americans without health insurance. In fact, it is more likely, this is the sound of a unified drumbeat of opponents who have abandoned the familiar “Country First” refrain that became familiar during the latter stages of the McCain Campaign, in favor of the more politically expedient, “NoBama!

This curiously cobbled corps of strange bedfellows aligned against the President is made all the more significant in light of the death of one of President Obama's staunchest allies last night, Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy, of Massachusetts. Familiarly known as the Lion of the Senate, Kennedy was considered a skillful conciliator, a worthy opponent, and one of the bedrock supporters of Health Care Reform. The silencing of his venerable voice will certainly affect the debate in coming days.

In the final analysis, what were are seeing most seems to be the all too familiar cant of politics; not “Change We Can Believe In.” The good news is, eight months, one-sixth of a Presidential Term, is not enough time for a final analysis. The bad news is it is probably long enough to discern the strategy of choice of the loyal opposition:

1) Resist
2) Repel
3) Repeat steps 1 & 2

Now I could have made this a discussion about the record number of days former Presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and George W. Bush spent on vacation. While the elder Bush is reported to have taken 543 days of vacation (well over a year), his son, W, who holds the all-time record by a wide margin, and who took a five-week vacation once, vacationed at least 879 days while President. To put that in a different light, 879 days is over 125 weeks, nearly 29 months, considerably longer than two years, longer than a term in the House of Representatives, and more than half a Presidential term.

But you know what? Neither Bush is President now. So I am going to put this simply and direct. There are many records set by the Bush duo I hope President Obama neither breaks nor matches. Spending time on vacation is one of them.

The sincerity of that desire notwithstanding, this President has earned, deserves, and should take this two-week vacation without recrimination or regret. He should do it for Michelle, his wife, he should do it for Malia and Sasha (Natasha), his daughters, he should do it for Mrs. Robinson (his live-in Mother-in-law), he should do it for himself, but most of all, he owes it to America and the rest of the so-called Free World to “Vacate The Premises!

He needs to re-charge in order to be at his best to continue taking on the challenges that lie ahead for him and the American people. His success…and ours depends on it.

I’m done; holla back!

Read my blog anytime by clicking the link: . A new post is published each Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A "Vicktory" For Common Sense

It's time to Break It Down!

America’s most infamously notorious dog-fighter became an ex-felon recently. After serving 23 months, most in a Kansas prison, the last couple of months under home detention, Michael Dwayne Vick was released. Convicted of bank-rolling a dog-fighting ring, Vick has now commenced what he hopes will be a journey down the long road to recovery, restoration, and restitution.

Having lost tens of millions of dollars, he clearly has a lot to recover. Having had his reputation tarnished immeasurably, he most certainly has a great deal to restore. Having agitated and angered animal rights activists in general and dog lovers the world over, he likely has more to restitute than he has time to do so. And yet, chances are, Michal Vick is a happy guy. And you know what? I am happy for him!

Nearly two years ago, August 22, 2007, when this matter was being hotly debated, and ultimately adjudicated, I wrote my second blog…about Michael Vick. Please feel free to search the Archives and review it. In that post, I theorized Vick would do some serious time and also that he would return to the NFL. The Federal Courts did their part; now the Philadelphia Eagles have made me a prophet. To celebrate, I have declared them my new favorite football team. Of course, for you to appreciate how little that means, you would really have to know just how little I follow football.

Still, the point is, this is not about the Eagles. It is about my unyielding belief that:

Vick has engendered disproportionately outsized reactions relative
to his deeds

There are convicted murderers who have spent less time in jail than
Michael Vick did. I do not minimize the importance of animal
rights, but what of people’s rights? The clamor, fervor, and intensity
around this issue seem to belie a cheapening of the value of human life. I
find that offensive.

Vick has paid his debt to society

The Federal Courts effectively threw the book at Vick. He
was sentenced to a much longer term in jail than the minimum. Ostensibly
because he was such a high-profile celebrity; an example needed to be made.
OK, got it! But as effectively as that point was made, it is time to move

Vick should be able to pursue his career

See the first two bullet points. Michael Vick is not getting off
light, nor is he receiving preferential treatment. In the grand scheme of
things, he probably got about what he deserved. He should have known
better; he should have exercised more discipline and restraint; and did I
say he should have known better? The truth is we often instinctively endow
athletes, entertainers, and other celebrities with traits and
characteristics they have neither been born with, had instilled, or earned.
For a host of reasons, which I will decline to enumerate here, Vick
lost his way. Now it is time to see if he can find himself, and his way
back to center.

Let me be clear…I am not attempting to persuade anyone of Michael Vick’s innocence. He was guilty. He pled guilty, he was convicted, he was sentenced, and he served his time. In fact, more important, I am not even trying to change anyone’s mind regarding their opinion on Vick’s crimes or on whether he should have the right to return to the NFL.

No, I am quite simply writing to state my personal, man-on-the-street, humble opinion, which is…Vick committed a crime, was subsequently prosecuted, and served his time. Now it is time to reintegrate him into the general population of society, up to and including, providing him an opportunity to seek employment for which he is qualified.

Of course life tends not to be subdivided into such neat little boxes. Animal Rights activists, sports fans, and many others will debate the decision to allow Vick to return, at least until the end of his career. Vick, at 29, is no longer a young man in football terms. He has probably seen his best days as a pro. Still, as long as he is in any corner of the spot light, he will be someone’s topic du jour. Be that as it may, in my view, Michael Vick returning to the NFL is “A “Vicktory” For Common Sense!”

Before closing, I want to take a moment for a brief commercial. Tomorrow will mark the Second Anniversary of “Break It Down!” After having survived 104 weeks, after writing 109 blogs, after hosting two guest bloggers, after engaging in numerous affirming…and a few pointedly challenging discussions with readers, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

You have given me a gift of incalculable value. Each week, I take time to unpack my thoughts on a particular issue or concern; most often of particular importance to me, and almost always of my own choosing. You in turn respond by actually taking the time to read my rants, and many of you provide me the added bonus and honor of replying as well. I could never thank you enough…but I certainly do Thank You!

I’m done; holla back!

Read my blog anytime by clicking the link: A new post is published each Wednesday. For more detailed information on a variety of aspects relating to this post, consult the links below:,0,7353928.story

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An Un-Healthy Debate

It's time to Break It Down!

There has been a confounding development recently in the discourse of contemporary public policy. An alliance of groups has emerged in opposition to the various Health Care Reform concepts offered by President Obama and both Houses of Congress. The operatives of these groups have been executing a thinly veiled plan to undermine, disrupt, and stifle debate at Town Hall meetings scheduled by members of Congress to seek input from constituents. The meetings also serve as a means for members of Congress to clarify the Health Care Reform proposals emanating from the House and Senate.

The basic concept is similar in theory and practice to the “Tea Parties” that numerous groups devised to protest the Stimulus Bill. Of course it’s not uncommon for opponents of a President to rally against his proposals. In fact, it is fair to say that is a central element to democracy in action. Let all sides be heard, consider all the facts; may the side with the most compelling argument(s) prevail.

Hold up; wait a minute! That’s where this train is derailing. It appears so much of the energy, fight, and steam of this gambit is derived from the desire to shout down, drown out, or otherwise prevent the other side from being heard. Moreover, another key dimension of this obstructionist pattern of behavior is to inject strains of misinformation into the would-be conversation.

Inducing fear and promoting distrust by the strategic use of rumor, innuendo, and a loosely cobbled amalgam of facts and fantasy is the order of the day. Allusion to “death watch” squads, a government run health care system, and denial of Medicare benefits are just a few of the mainstays in the regular rotation. The full range of straw men runs the gamut from the sublime to the ridiculous.

Despite numerous diversions, the attention of the American public is finally zeroing in on the Great Health Care Debate of ’09. Many observers and analysts place this harrowing drama squarely at the feet of the Republican Party. Those who believe some GOP Zeitgeist has enveloped the land have shown their vulnerability to the grandest of conspiracy theories.

That’s does not mean Right Wing zealots are uninvolved. Rather it is to point out what should be obvious by now. In the current conversation about Health Care Reform, the issues are as clear as mud, and the sides are not always readily discernible. For example, if President Obama led a resolute and united Democratic Party, Health Care Reform would have been the law of the land before the August Break…as the President desired. His inability to check, and pull the “so-called” Blue Dogs in line is directly contributory to the “fine mess” in which we find ourselves today.

But this is really not a discussion aimed at assigning blame. Instead, it is an effort to recall the 1993 Clinton effort at Health Care Reform, and to point out that the kind of sweeping changes proposed by President Obama does have a natural list of opponents, enemies, and haters. As you may recall, the Clinton Plan, largely led by now Secretary of State Clinton was DOA (Dead On Arrival) as a piece of legislation.

Many Doctors, segments of the Pharmaceuticals Industry, and lots of regular citizens who either embrace or promote the misinformation referenced earlier, opposed the Clinton Plan 16 years ago, and they oppose the Obama Plan today. No problem; it’s no sin to oppose the plan! On the contrary, there are countless precedents for clever, lucid expression of one’s opposition to legislative initiatives.

However, in its finest moment, public debate in a free and open society, is an essential element of freedom of speech…for everyone! That means no side is shut out or excluded from participation. In other words, the broadside attacks on Solons by citizens may not be Un-American as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has asserted, but it is most certainly “An Un-Healthy Debate!”

I’m done; holla back!

Read my blog anytime by clicking the link: A new post is published each Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Second Hundred Days

It's time to Break It Down!

Perhaps in the future, when chroniclers report the events of the Second Hundred Days of the Obama era, they will note the disproportionate impact news related to Michael Jackson’s death had on tamping down the hype for the Obama Administration. By comparison, coverage surrounding the First Hundred Days was Off the Chain. Still in fairness to all things Michael, it is impossible to escape the recognition that President Obama’s Second Hundred Days, concluding tomorrow, was full of sound and fury, signifying…mostly frustration.

In short, candidate Obama was able to design, package, articulate, and market successfully, messages of Change and Hope that so far, President Obama has been unable to capture, refine, galvanize Congress around, alleviate voter’s concerns about, and effectively translate into public policy or successful legislation, even though he claims sizeable majorities in both Houses of Congress.

If the First Hundred Days were exciting, but overhyped, the Second Hundred Days have been mired in the reality of the kind of Washington-style politics, Barack the candidate identified as the crux of many, if not most of the nation’s problems. Moreover, he promised to end the partisanship and pay-to-play lobbying relationships that make getting things done on Capitol Hill a proverbial and perpetual obstacle course. Neither has happened as yet.

Of course, it is early, and therefore unfair to pass summary judgment. But for anyone inclined to draw conclusions based on the results of the First Two Hundred Days, and I imagine many will do so, Change looks eerily familiar, and Hope has been dashed, or at least severely deflated.

So what are signs that would have heralded hallmark Change had it occurred? Well several key items reside near the top of the list, including:

Health Care Reform
• Revitalized Environmental Policy
• Restructured National Security Programs
• Elimination of the Partisan Divide
• Abolishment of Pay-to-Play Lobbying

Naturally, others would pose a different list. However, if these are the sign posts of progress, the corridors leading to Change are stalled, and in some cases, it appears traffic may be in reverse, when moving at all.

While Camp Obama has been the beneficiary of recent good news; slowing of the increase in joblessness, a slight rebound in home sales, unexpected success by the Cash for Clunkers gambit, and Bill Clinton’s negotiation of the release of two American journalists by the North Korean Government yesterday, several factors continue to mute any wide spread sense of celebration. They include:

A fractured majority party – Even though the Democrats
control the House and the Senate, the schism between liberals
and so-called Blue
Dogs has made it virtually impossible for the President to wield
the kind of influence he and his staunchest supporters hoped for.
Partisan polarization – As a candidate, Obama decried the
usual partisan sniping between Democrats and Republicans, conservatives and
liberals, the grassroots and big business, etc. President Obama
has found managing the contentiousness, and more important, brokering
agreement, achieving consensus, and reaching successful accords to be
consistently beyond his reach.
Resistance to government reform – While on the campaign trail,
Mr. Obama relentlessly criticized the influence of lobbyists and
money on the legislative process. He has since downgraded his opposition,
which quite naturally has resulted in more lobbyists’ influence; less
government reform.
Middle class tax increase looming? – Much of the debate about
finding the revenue to support the many programs promoted by the Obama
revolved around a commitment not to impose new taxes on
the middle class. As a candidate, and then again as President, Mr.
adamantly voiced opposition to any new taxes on the middle
class. Recently however, at least two of the President’s operatives
indicated that the idea of a middle class tax increase may be “on the
table.” Not surprisingly, the rhetoric surrounding that possibility has
ratcheted up, considerably.
The Sotomayor sagaPresident Obama’s first nominee to
the Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is expected to
be confirmed soon. Early indications are she will get fewer Republican
votes than Bush nominees Roberts and Alito got Democrats' votes. In the
grand scheme of things, this is another example of the polarization that
reigns inside the Beltway.

Like the Pirate incident near then end of the First Hundred Days, the hostage release yesterday will garner a significant amount of spin in the news...and it should. But similar to the Somalis, the North Koreans were dealing with a small number of American citizens. Their families will be gratified. However, back home, the the juice behind the matter is likely to evaporate as the media frenzy concentrates on Health Care Reform, or the lack thereof, or even Cash for Clunkers, and definitely the prospect of a Middle Class Tax Increase.

One prominent former Bush Administration official, John Bolton, who served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, condemned sharply the Obama Administration for sending Clinton as an envoy, arguing it is against U.S. policy to negotiate for hostages. Bolton further maintains that it strengthens North Korea's position on important diplomatic issues. The Administration's official stance is that Bill Clinton, who holds no official capacity in the Obama Administration acted as a private citizen on a humanitarian Jimmy Carter has done several times.

If there is any one matter that warrants consideration as the pivotal game-changer in terms of things the President needs to address and Change before he can have any Hope of salvaging his political ideals, uniting the Democratic Party screams for attention. Call it the uppermost challenge of the Third Hundred Days. Absent this critical shift in intraparty dynamics, major legislative victories, within clear reach, will be impossible to achieve; merely lost opportunities continuing to increase in number.

It would be difficult to argue that many of the seeds of dissent and resistance were not already in the ground prior to November 8, 2008, and certainly before January 21, 2009. Still, at some point, President Obama must take ownership of the here and now. In that light, it is altogether possible the best things about “The Second Hundred Days” is there are still 455 days left before the 2010 Mid-term Elections, and 1,190 days left before Election 2012.

I’m done; holla back!

Read my blog anytime by clicking the link: A new post is published each Wednesday. For more detailed information on a variety of aspects relating to this post, consult the links below: